Thursday, 19 July 2012

Benefits of using a shampoo without sulfate

One of the demands of modern lifestyle is to feel good and look good. As such, manufacturers of beauty products are making good business. Shampoo manufacturing has cornered a big percentage of the beauty product manufacturing industry. All shampoo brands are touted to give the user gloriously soft and shiny hair. There is a common notion that the more suds the shampoo produces , the greater would be its cleaning power.

The chemical that makes shampoos foamy is the Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). SLS is the chemical ingredient found in household cleaners and engine degreasers. Most car wash soaps and garage floor cleaners contain Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). If this chemical can efficiently remove stubborn grease from engines, imagine what it can do to a scalp and hair that is frequently washed.

Sodium lauryl sulfate is a potentially harmful chemical. This chemical would not only remove dirt from the hair but remove essential oils as well. The sulphate ingredient of shampoos dry the hair. Instead of healthy looking hair, shampoo containing SLS will eventually result to dry hair. Sulphate is a chemical that can cause skin irritation and hair loss. Corneal damage is another dangerous effect of this chemical as it is common for the shampoo to get into the eyes. Shampoos containing this chemical can cause premature thinning of hair.

All these harmful effects of shampoos with SLS can be avoided. There is an alternative shampoo...the shampoo without sulphate. Shampoos that do not contain SLS will not produce a rich lather but it can clean the hair. People that have felt the harmful effects of this harsh chemical are steering away from SLS containing shampoos. People are now turning to shampoo without sulphate.

Shampoos without sulphate are gaining acceptance these days. Shampoos without sulphate may not produce the rich lather but they do have healthful benefits for the hair. Shampoos without sulphate will bring out the natural sheen and the suppleness of the hair without the dangerous effects. As the natural ingredients do not remove the essential oils from the scalp and the skin, dryness is prevented. For the hair to be healthy, it has to be well hydrated. Shampoos with natural ingredients will reverse the harmful effects of sulphate but the change will not be noticed at once. The moisture that makes the hair soft and shiny is restored. With regular use of shampoos without sulphate hair fall and hair breakage is reduced.

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